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About Our Weight Loss Surgeries

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​$4,300 USD | Lose 30 - 150 lbs

Gastric sleeve, gastric tube, vertical or tubular gastrectomy or gastric sleeve, are some of the different names given to this bariatric surgery technique.


It is of a restrictive type, that is, the size of the stomach is reduced and to reduce food intake. The technique consists, roughly, of dividing the stomach in two vertically using staples.


Next, the surgeon removes the residual part of the stomach, which is the greater curvature and which accounts for between 50% - 90% of the gastric cavity.


Although it is a purely restrictive and non-malabsorptive technique, the removal of the stomach also entails a significant reduction in the production of ghrelin, better known as the hunger hormone. That is, by removing a large part of the stomach, the patient's appetite decreases and promotes weight loss.


This technique requires general anesthesia, lasts about half an hour and the hospital stay is generally a maximum of 3 days. The intervention is done laparoscopically. The surgeon makes 3 to 5 small incisions in the patient's abdomen and, through them, inserts a camera and the necessary surgical material for the intervention.


It is a minimally invasive technique, almost painless and patient recovery is very fast.

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